

Check out BeBe's look book for fall 09.... Looks like it's full of TRENDS!!

This is a deep discussion, that could quite possible lead to a heated debate. Being stylish and trendy in my opinion has nothing to do with a person's social class or status. I think two people can rock the same exact thing, I mean identical and rock it two totally different ways....
Whoever you are as an individual your class, personal style, "air" about yourself will be just different in the same outfit.

In actuality we are all the same that's how God created us with two arms, two legs, 10 fingers and so on. On the contrary, we all experience different things as we grow and began to take on our own characteristics in life. Therefore, we become different people. Some become products of their environment and some people grow to be the exact opposite of what their environment use to be.

Now, when it comes to fashion... I mean "grown" folk fashion, I think that is a touchy topic. Most of us believe we all somewhat have a personal sense of style. So my theory... Rather its hood looking or a touch of class... Dont affend a fashion liberator. Be you and I encouarge you to not only be the best you that you can be..... but DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!! XO BESOS!
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