

"I’ve spoke on this shit time and time and time again, but no one ever really listens to me. AT ALL. But with Relly’s colorful commentary on the subject at hand there’s no way the point can be misconstrued. Today’s post is for the thirsty unsigned rapper lingering throughout various Twitter accounts praying some catches on. Don’t get us wrong, we want you to get your dreams into the right hands, but it’s time to go about it the right way. Relly has the floor.
Before I get started let me just say as a fan of hip hop, I have absolutely nothing but love and respect for up and coming rappers. I love to see new artists bringing something new and fresh to the rap game. There’s a bunch of undiscovered talent out there that could one day take the industry by storm like Drake did in 09′ or 50 Cent in 03′. So if you’re an unsigned rapper out there trying to get heard, I salute you and hope for nothing but the best. There’s just one rule I need all of you unsigned rappers to abide by……Stay the fuck out of our mentions on twitter,b." Via , YouHeardThatNew.com

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